Gravitrex plus (homebrew)
I must say I was excited when I received Gravitrex in the mail all the way from the U.S. I knew the granddaddy of Vectrex programming John Dondzila would present something which was worthwhile and professional. And I wasn't let down either. From the startup screen the Vec goes into 'Vec basic' mode, with shades of C64 days, as the game loads. Then all of a sudden a beautifully synthesised alien voice blurts out 'GRAVITREX' and then you know you've invested your $20 wisely. (see: classicgamecreations for ordering info.)
Dondzila states that the game is the first 64k Vectrex cartridge and you can see that alot of time and effort has been placed into Gravitrex to get it feeling just right. This must be the biggest game environment for a Vectrex ever. The plot revolves around the player controlling the space ship 'Explorer' which has been 'attacked after accidentally wandering into alien space'. Your mission is to locate and rescue the space ships crew who are scattered through the many levels and different planets of this gigantic Vectrex gaming environment. Once all the crew members are rescued from a particular planet then it's onto the next planet with each planet exploding once all fuel is found, enemies destroyed and crew members rescued.
Within the planets the enemy are in the form of small triangles which fire at random at your ship. Your ship has ample firepower, a shield and a teleporter device for beaming the rescued crew members to safety. Not only must the player be cautious around enemy fire but also two alien spaceships appear on nearly every screen to add to the panic and increase your vulnerability to capture and destruction. All the while the gravity plays a part much the same as it does with games such as Vectrex 'Moon Lander' and the old C64 classic 'Thrust'.
I have owned Gravitrex for around 3 years and it is such a good game, and the difficulty level set at the right setting, I have only ever reached the end of the second level. This game must be Dondzila's finest hour as a Vectrex programmer and the work gone into Gravitrex must have been very time consuming.
Gravitrex and Protector are the pick of the Vectrex games. Both of these games are definate must haves for any self respecting Vectrex enthusiast and it's very hard to answer the question as to which is the best game, Protector or Gravitrex. Whatever the verdict these two game are leaps and bounds ahead of any other original or new Vec game. Need I say more.
Score 9.2/10
Review written by Daniel Foot