All in one arcade
Not vectrex related, one of the sections is about my Mame arcade projects. The Chinese (who don't know the word trademark or rights) make...
Roms all available again
The rom page should be 100% complete again. If you miss something or have additional files, just email me. Link below.
Rom downloads partialy available
The main page (emulation) has working links (complete rom-set). The individual roms will be updated in the coming time. It takes some...
Rom download not available
I have to move the roms to a place where there is a public download option. Will be available again in a week or so.
Replacement joystick springs
Check here if you need replacement of your joystick spring. You can order them $5 within USA or $6 elsewhere.
Invite to blog on vectrexworld
Hi vectrex fans, I have hosted vectrex info since 2002. In the beginning writing my own html, but the last version is on I am...
Warrior available for download
The homebrew game Warrior is available for download here at the site from Fury Unlimited, or you can find it in my download section here....
Order big blue - new vectrex game
Info can be found here:
Play your vectrex day nov 1st!
November 1 is the usual day of recognition where players around the world turn on their Vectrexes, play to their hearts' content, and...
Bob Alexander made Vectrex32, a new cartridge for the Vectrex that effectively upgrades it to 32 bits and allows you to write Vectrex...