International play your vectrex day
It's that time of the year again where we pay tribute to our unique vector machine on the month of its initial first release in the...
retro gaming event apeldoorn the netherlands september 28th
Sunday I will be present at the Bonami retro computer event in Apeldoorn. You can play on my new donky kong cabinet! I also have...
Retro gaming market Apeldoorn september 28th 2014
Next retro gaming market is september 28th 2014 in Apeldoorn the Netherlands. Guess what, vectrexworld will be there too with a stand. I...
we are open: is now
After 8 years has a new styling, and a new url! I hope you like it, it's made with a html5 editor...
play your Vectrex day november 1st
Calling all gamers that indulge in a certain black and white console, it's the International Play Your Vectrex Day once more, slated for...
dutch retro events 2013
In dutch: Bonami organiseert dit jaar 3 beurzen: De 14e Retro SpelComputer Beurs houden op Zondag - 24 Maart - 2013 in de Sporthal...