New multicards and lightpen stock - madtronix
Bad news is, I am out of 3d imagers. When new stock arrive I will post it here. I do have all the madtronix game's for sale, including...
Official reseller madtronix
To fill my table on retro events I asked John if I could be a reseller of his items. Spike Circus, Multicards, Mail Plane, Star Sling,...
Mame project donkey kong w.i.p.
I took a break on the project, but now I am back finishing the cabinet. Some boring things I had to do to finish it. Next week the T-mold...
Preview Menschenjagd (Manhunt)
Preview of upcommig game Menschenjagd by Der Luchs. Will be released by Madtronix.
Most sought vectrex homebrew games
All the most exclusive homebrew games and special editions in a list can be found here
Madtronix multicart review
Review of the new madtronix multicart. I noticed my url was also put on the back. thanks for the free pr Madtronix ;) and congrats with...
Untot Undead
New demo/game from der Luchs. Untot.
Demo Hex ready for download
Chris Malcom has released a demo game Hex. You can download it here or here. It uses joystick/buttons or a spinner/atari driving...
veccy bird
Michael Simonds has released Veccy Bird for vectrex. Inspired by Flappy Bird. You can download the rom to play on a emulator or vectrex...
new vectrex game for emulators
A new game for vectrex is released by Alex 'P1X3L-pushr'. Only for emulator, or if you have a flashrom for Vectrex....